“When being your authentic self is all you know to be while inspiring others that they too can be just as amazing.”

By Trelanda “Tree” Lowe


Our team has earned numerous awards for The Davey’s Award for Diversity Equity and Inclusion for Podcasts, The Davey’s Award for Individual Episodes, and the Semi-Finalist at the San Francisco Arthouse Short Festival for Best Trailer.

Image Description: Image one is a TEXT: 2022 Silver Winner The Davey’s Award (DEI) for Podcasts and Laurel wrapped around the text. Image two is a 2023 Silver Winner The Davey’s Awards (DEI) Individual Episodes for Podcasts and Laurel wrapped around the text. Image three is a TEXT: Semi-Finalist for the San Francisco Arthouse Short Festival in September 2023 and Laurel wrapped around the text. A Phenomenal Disabilities poster of a person wearing shades, jacket, blouse, and pants.

Teaser Show Clip

Author and advocate, Julie McLean, on suicide.

Image Description: A white woman wearing a t-shirt, neck scarf, and shoulder-length hair. TEXT: reads to the right bottom of Julie – Start The Convo

Phenomenal Disabilities show it delivers a refreshing approach about living unapologetic with a super fly vibe within the disability community. It is imperative to highlight every marginalized community that navigates with their disabilities. because disability doesn’t discriminate. Participants will have a wide range of professional backgrounds and journeys to be revealed to the world.

However, with a growing disability population globally, it is pertinent to provide authentic content depicting this marginalized community. Phenomenal Disabilities also highlights the shared perspectives and continuity within the disability community about marginalized communities. They represent the intersections of cultures.

Image DescriPTION

Nina G.

Image number 1: Nina G, a white woman, with shoulder-length hair, dressed in a dress, and holding a microphone on stage.

Liz Pritchard

Image number 2: Liz Pritchard, a white individual wearing shades, a jacket, a vest, and a blouse. Liz peers off to the side.

Mean Dave

Image number 3: Mean Dave, a Latin man with long hair, a dark shirt, and holding a mic. He is positioned to the invisible audience.

Diana Elizabeth Jordan

Image number 4: Diana Elizabeth Jordan, a black woman, wearing a full-length dress. One hand props her face as she smiles at the camera.

VISIT THE PODCAST SHOW on Apple, Spotify, Amazon, Etc.

Image Description: Below are clickable tabs for each podcast show for listeners to enjoy each episode.

We Are Visible Talents, Not Invisible – With Dana JonesK, Katie Farmer, James Barniker, & Marie Dagenais-Lewis Phenomenal Disabilities With Tree Lowe

Getting work in the industry can be pretty challenging. We have to navigate a field of different people from all walks of life. It has been a challenge for many disabled people to compete against able-body people for boardroom seats, positions as executive producers, directors, producers, etc. The LCA Marketing Team (Dana JonesK, Katie Farmer, James Barniker, Marie Dagenais-Lewis & Tree Lowe) discuss the importance of executive positions on the show. In addition, why the media industry should hire more disabled people. In addition to the writers strike, careers, etc., they'll enlighten the world from a warm perspective. — Send in a voice message:
  1. We Are Visible Talents, Not Invisible – With Dana JonesK, Katie Farmer, James Barniker, & Marie Dagenais-Lewis
  2. No Barriers with Dylan Lazaga
  3. A Super Mom's Message About Autism with Susan Sheller
  4. A Global Inclusion Perspective with Nargiz Yeldenbayeva and Inessa Missetskaya
  5. Relationship and Anxiety with Dr. Laurie Weiss

Check out Some of the Promo Video’s.

Editor/Artist for Paperback, Liz Pritchard
Filmmaker, Tameka Citchen-Spruce
Comedian, Nina G


Liz Pritchard

Image Description: Liz Pritchard, a white non-binary individual, who’s wearing sunglasses, a jacket, a vest, a button-down blouse, and pants. Liz stands in front of an artwork.

Tameka Citchen-Spruce

Image Description: Tameka Citchen-Spruce, a black woman with shoulder-length hair, who peers off to the side with a soft smile. She’s wearing a sweater and denim jacket.

Nina G.

Image Description: Nina G, a white woman, with shoulder-length hair, dressed in a dress, and holding a microphone on stage.

Dir./Prod./Host: Trelanda “Tree” Lowe

Image Description: A brown skinned African American woman softly smiles. She’s wearing a headset, red lipstick, white tank top. Behind her to the right is TEXT: Vision Edge Media Presents, Phenomenal Disabilities, A series by Trelanda Lowe, Director/Writer Trelanda Lowe, “When a selective mutism, LGBTIQA filmmaker finds self-expression through media, her voice becomes heard loud and clear.” Directors Statement: I’m the creative beast with an unstoppable force.

COPYRIGHT LEGALITY: This website, docu-series, podcast, concept, content, product brand, images, poster graphic art, and any other bodies that attach this Phenomenal Disabilities/Vision Edge Media are protected and copy-written through various legal and government foundations. If any of the Phenomenal Disabilities/Vision Edge Media show brands are copied, mimicked, altered, or manipulated will have legal actions against all parties who have violated the show’s brand.

©2022 Vision Edge Media

Image Description: A brown-skinned African American woman, Trelanda “Tree” Lowe holds her camera in front of her taking pictures of a model squatted down on the floor.